Tuesday, July 11, 2006

N.U.S. July 11, 2006

Greetings people. It is I, your host with the most; Ayame. Not much to say today except sorry that the comic was a little late. Update night is bad for a close-open shift, but what can ya do? Well, the action is heating back up...how will our intrepid crew escape and save the day? Does the day even NEED saving? Check back to find out.

Also this week, new FAN ART is up in the section of the same name courtesy of Kevin Sanchez of Steve and Mac, not to mention a guest comic which will be going up...well, eventually. I'd love to use it right away, but the comic must go on and frankly, you'll never know when a good guest strip will come in handy.

In other webcomic news, Taymation Studios' Legend of Link has finally updated again. Taylor is a good friend of mine and when he updates, he deserves a little shout-out. If you like The Legend of Zelda, go check it out.


I'm in talks with another good friend of mine, Stuart Packrell about setting up my archive. Hopefully you'll soon be able to scan old NC pages via a comfortable book-type format.


New purchases: New Super Mario Bros. I love it. Admittedly it's not my favorite DS game, but it's a good solid platformer with classic style and some good old-fashioned fun, something the DS is known for. Also, Home Improvement Season 4. I know I'm like the only person who liked this show, but for a sitcom...well... Also, Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest. This movie OWNZ! Easily joining the ranks of such sequels as Empire Strikes Back, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and Boggy Creek 2. Also, I finally saw Superman Returns. It was a good movie, but I personally dislike Superman....a lot. It was worth the ticket price, but it's definately going on my Sin City list. (for those of you playing along at home, that's the list of 'movies-that-I'm-glad-I-saw-once-but-will-NEVER-watch-again).

Don't touch it! That's a poisonous MAGIC pie!
-Lovez, Ayame

Monday, July 03, 2006

N.U.S. June 3, 2006

Hey everyone,

Well I have to be quick, so just a couple of things. First, you may have noticed that NC doesn't update on Saturdays anymore. Well, because of the higher standards of the comic currently, it's just been impossible. I haven't changed the schedule because I really want to maintain two comics a week. Stay tuned to see if I can do it. Secondly, this comic is UNFINISHED. Why would I launch it? Well, I'm finally getting a good number of people to the comic, and I want to do SOMETHING this week since, no saturday usually...and well, since the only thing is the shading and detail lighting, I figured I'd let the story carry this one and fix it later. (Oh, and I'm going out of town unexpectedly, in case anyone is asking WHY I am doing all this in the first place). And lastly, I'm entering NC in a contest so I needed to get done with this one. Wish me luck, and I'll fix this all up later this week. Be well!

Lovez, Ayame