Tuesday, March 14, 2006

N.U.S. March 14, 2006

Well, Fighter Chick Cam is at it again. Because I had lots and lots going on this weekend, I wasn't able to get any farther along on the comic than the script. However, now that my computer is back to 97% functionality, and all guests from out-of-town are gone, as well as like a thousand other things are done, NC will resume updation on Saturday. Anyway, I would like to reiterate that I really do like Fighter Chick Cam's guest comics, and in fact, I do think this one is hilarious.


There really isn't any, except that I cannot find any track-ball mice ANYWHERE anymore. I will not be buying an optical mouse either unless I have no other choice.

Check out the new parts of the site when I get them up. Yay!

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