Tuesday, October 24, 2006

N.U.S. October 24, 2006

Hey all,

Well, Newscast Live: Redux has come and gone. The book was a marginal success, as were the standees. Personally, I thought it was a lot of fun, even if most people were there looking only for Naruto fan art. Ah well. I'll be loading some pictures as soon as

A) I get my camera to talk to my computer. They've had something of a falling out... or
B) I get the pics from Stuart to use.

either way, photos soon.

So guess what?


That's right, as of October 24, 2006 Newscast has officially run 100 comics on this site. It's amazing that I am finally here, and it means a lot to me that I have readers to share it with. The festivities will be taking place throughout the week, and vary on whatever I feel like posting that day. Watch for good stuff!

Well, I'll elaborate more later, but now I have to go take care of some menial stuff. *sigh*

60 men all lost at sea, all of them drunk except for me. Twas I who had to face the storm with nuthin in sight to keep me warm. Yo ho Yo ho! Over the raging sea we go!
-Lovez, Ayame

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