Sunday, May 06, 2007

N.U.S. May 6, 2007

EDIT: This post has been modified from it's original angst-filled context to relieve you -the readers- from developing muscle-strain from rolling your eyes. -The Management

Hello once again,

No comic today. I just didn't have time to get one together what with all the nothing I have been accused of doing lately.

Incidentally, I am working on two new desktop backgrounds that might soon be avaliable. I was thinking of making them incentive for voting on TWC or something, but I honestly don't think that 7 votes would change the ranking much, not to mention that...hey! I just got an idea. he he he he he.


I am preparing to close the Newscast Store perhaps indefinately. There are several reasons; the primary being that the place that used to do my screen-printing has apparently come into new management: Satan himself. Ergo, the rock-bottom prices I was paying before have now almost quadrupled. The remaining stock that I currently posess can still be purchased if you want it, but when those are gone that's all she wrote.

So yeah, that's about it. Comic on Tuesday if all goes well, Wednesday if not. But it's already pretty much ready to be drawn so keep your ocular receptors glued to your computer monitors cause slowly, but surely I am getting the story moving again.

P.S. For those of you wondering; no. I am neither going to be charging for the bg's or asking for donations (which I guess is technically the same thing, but I don't want to create any undo confusion).

"Eye on the sammich! Mitchell! Heart poundin'. Mitchell! Veins cloggin'. Mitchell!"


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