Monday, March 14, 2005

N.U.S. March 15, 2005

Well, I'm back again. Newscast will be updating today, but I wasn't able to get it up by midnight because I had a job interview this morning at 9:00 which meant getting up at 7:00 which meant...oh, forget it. Anyway, the comic will be updating as soon as it's finished, and if that means Wednesday then so be it. And then Saturdays will roll out as planned.

In other Newscast related news, the first (of what I hope to become many) live appearances where I will be selling stuff is fast approaching. We call it, Newscast Live! What it REALLY is, is me selling Newscast related stuff at the Nihon Matsuri festival to raise some living money. But hey, it's not just for me. It's for you, the fans, as well. Anyway, check out the full page of info on it that is also going to be up later today.

CIAO for now.

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