Hey all,
Well, Newscast Live: Redux has come and gone. The book was a marginal success, as were the standees. Personally, I thought it was a lot of fun, even if most people were there looking only for Naruto fan art. Ah well. I'll be loading some pictures as soon as
A) I get my camera to talk to my computer. They've had something of a falling out... or
B) I get the pics from Stuart to use.
either way, photos soon.
So guess what?
That's right, as of October 24, 2006 Newscast has officially run 100 comics on this site. It's amazing that I am finally here, and it means a lot to me that I have readers to share it with. The festivities will be taking place throughout the week, and vary on whatever I feel like posting that day. Watch for good stuff!
Well, I'll elaborate more later, but now I have to go take care of some menial stuff. *sigh*
60 men all lost at sea, all of them drunk except for me. Twas I who had to face the storm with nuthin in sight to keep me warm. Yo ho Yo ho! Over the raging sea we go!
-Lovez, Ayame
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
N.U.S. October 17, 2006
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Newscast. I'm your on-the-spot reporter Ayame Maehara.
The AnimeBanzai countdown has officially begun. With less than a week left before the big event, I sit here desperately trying to get ready. I'm expecting things to go reasonably well, but so far progress has been somewhat slow. Ah well. It'll all work out.
Regarding today's comic:
It seems I am having a bit of a problem with...I dunno, some component of my internet access. My FTP client keeps timing out when I try to upload the comic, so if you can't see it yet, be patient. I'll try uploading it again in a little bit.
So, after I found out that EB Games was going to be taking preorders on the Wii (finally), some friends and decided that it would be rational to spend 13 hours camped out on a cold sidewalk in October waiting for the store to open.
Being someone who has waited in line for other things, I knew how to do things right. So I packed up coats, blankets, a TV, a DVD/VCR player, food and beverine, several movies, my GameCube and an industrial extension chord and soon, we were playing Super Smash Bros and watching The Venture Brothers. In short, a good time was had by all.
The best part? Well, two. first off, we met a delightful fellow in line who took a gander at a test-version of the comic. Now he's joined the forums and seems to enjoy the comic. That's another into our deadly fold! HA HA HA HA! And the other great thing is that I am now #1 in line for a Nintendo Wii system. Launch day, I WILL OWNZ YOU!
(I took pictures, but I can't find the chord for my camera, so I'll be posting them tommorow).
In latter news, there is none. I'll be doing something special to commemorate comic #100, but it won't be this week. The comic will be up, but the special thing might have to come a little later, lest the story drop another update day.
Newscast- Of course it's funny. It's already won THREE Henry Kissinger awards!
-Lovez, Ayame.
The AnimeBanzai countdown has officially begun. With less than a week left before the big event, I sit here desperately trying to get ready. I'm expecting things to go reasonably well, but so far progress has been somewhat slow. Ah well. It'll all work out.
Regarding today's comic:
It seems I am having a bit of a problem with...I dunno, some component of my internet access. My FTP client keeps timing out when I try to upload the comic, so if you can't see it yet, be patient. I'll try uploading it again in a little bit.
So, after I found out that EB Games was going to be taking preorders on the Wii (finally), some friends and decided that it would be rational to spend 13 hours camped out on a cold sidewalk in October waiting for the store to open.
Being someone who has waited in line for other things, I knew how to do things right. So I packed up coats, blankets, a TV, a DVD/VCR player, food and beverine, several movies, my GameCube and an industrial extension chord and soon, we were playing Super Smash Bros and watching The Venture Brothers. In short, a good time was had by all.
The best part? Well, two. first off, we met a delightful fellow in line who took a gander at a test-version of the comic. Now he's joined the forums and seems to enjoy the comic. That's another into our deadly fold! HA HA HA HA! And the other great thing is that I am now #1 in line for a Nintendo Wii system. Launch day, I WILL OWNZ YOU!
(I took pictures, but I can't find the chord for my camera, so I'll be posting them tommorow).
In latter news, there is none. I'll be doing something special to commemorate comic #100, but it won't be this week. The comic will be up, but the special thing might have to come a little later, lest the story drop another update day.
Newscast- Of course it's funny. It's already won THREE Henry Kissinger awards!
-Lovez, Ayame.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
N.U.S. October 11, 2006
Hey all,
Not gonna say a lot today, I don't have the time. Suffice it to say, the comic is up and I am happy. Actually, the coloring ruined it, but ah well. I was gonna upload some photos, but the camera is being stupid, so I can't.
Um, sorry for the lack of updates lately, I've been so overwhelmed with Halloween, Newscast Live, work, getting ready for the Wii....it's been a neverending hastle. Hopefully, this will get me back on track.
Oh, and one other thing...
They'll only be in Black and White (with color covers) cause they're too expensive to make otherwise. Sorry folks, not that I think anyone is heartbroken or anything...
Check this: Awesome. I like Go-Karts! VRROOOM! VROOM!
"You know, that entire MEAL was poison. It just took THAT much to kill the fat bastard."
-Lovez, Ayame.
Not gonna say a lot today, I don't have the time. Suffice it to say, the comic is up and I am happy. Actually, the coloring ruined it, but ah well. I was gonna upload some photos, but the camera is being stupid, so I can't.
Um, sorry for the lack of updates lately, I've been so overwhelmed with Halloween, Newscast Live, work, getting ready for the Wii....it's been a neverending hastle. Hopefully, this will get me back on track.
Oh, and one other thing...
They'll only be in Black and White (with color covers) cause they're too expensive to make otherwise. Sorry folks, not that I think anyone is heartbroken or anything...
Check this: Awesome. I like Go-Karts! VRROOOM! VROOM!
"You know, that entire MEAL was poison. It just took THAT much to kill the fat bastard."
-Lovez, Ayame.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
N.U.S. September 30, 2006
Hey all,
Just a sec, I need to pause the new "Weird Al" CD; Straight Outa Lynwood so I can type. Go on, ask me if I don't wanna promote this thing. Al is awesome!
Okay, so we have a lot to cover. First off, sorry for the no-updateness period there. The book was a major ">*@%)*! to lay out, but it's pretty much tweaked now so I can get back to the business at hand. I would like to mention that I have run a few tests of the set, and it's AWESOME! It's nice to be able to read them in story form, without the hastle of browsing the archive.
Also, some people seem to be confused about the dialouge on the NCLR page, so I will clarify: The color-copies of the book are by pre-order only! Thing is, they're kinda expensive to make, so I can't have a bunch on hand that I can't sell. FEAR NOT! Thanks to some very helpful individuals, I might be able to lower the price on those colored ones soon. KEEP WATCHING!
The final format for the books has been decided. I think I posted it on the FORUMS, but I'm not entirely sure. *checks* Yeah, it's there. It's all good stuff, I promise!
It's funny, even though NCL is a small thing, it's always a highlight for me. I loved the first one and this one is gearing up to be even better! I hope to see as many of you there as possible!
Oh yeah, and here's that pic of my DVD rack as I promised:

As you can see, I used to spend LOTS on DVDs. That, fortunately, has subsided. At least until The Little Mermaid and Pirates of the Caribbean come out on DVD....
"I wanna bowl with the gangstas, but oh well, it's obvious I'm white and nerdy.."
-Lovez, Ayame
Just a sec, I need to pause the new "Weird Al" CD; Straight Outa Lynwood so I can type. Go on, ask me if I don't wanna promote this thing. Al is awesome!
Okay, so we have a lot to cover. First off, sorry for the no-updateness period there. The book was a major ">*@%)*! to lay out, but it's pretty much tweaked now so I can get back to the business at hand. I would like to mention that I have run a few tests of the set, and it's AWESOME! It's nice to be able to read them in story form, without the hastle of browsing the archive.
Also, some people seem to be confused about the dialouge on the NCLR page, so I will clarify: The color-copies of the book are by pre-order only! Thing is, they're kinda expensive to make, so I can't have a bunch on hand that I can't sell. FEAR NOT! Thanks to some very helpful individuals, I might be able to lower the price on those colored ones soon. KEEP WATCHING!
The final format for the books has been decided. I think I posted it on the FORUMS, but I'm not entirely sure. *checks* Yeah, it's there. It's all good stuff, I promise!
It's funny, even though NCL is a small thing, it's always a highlight for me. I loved the first one and this one is gearing up to be even better! I hope to see as many of you there as possible!
Oh yeah, and here's that pic of my DVD rack as I promised:

As you can see, I used to spend LOTS on DVDs. That, fortunately, has subsided. At least until The Little Mermaid and Pirates of the Caribbean come out on DVD....
"I wanna bowl with the gangstas, but oh well, it's obvious I'm white and nerdy.."
-Lovez, Ayame
Sunday, September 10, 2006
N.U.S. September 10, 2006
Yes, the comic is -once again- a little late. Sorry about that. The shading is just becoming overwhelming. Honestly, I had the whole thing done on time except for that. Ah well, it's up and that's what counts.
Not too much to say about this one here. All the big news is Newscast Live and all that jazz. I'm gearing up to finish the book and as soon as I run one off then I'll post up prices and whatnot. The page itself should be up in the next day or two. Hopefully soon.
I guess that's about it. I haven't been playing any new games and until Star Trek Legacy comes out, I'm running a little dry. Saving up for Halloween and whatnot. So I guess that's all the news that's fit to rake.
"I think Johnny cares now."
-Lovez, Ayame
Yes, the comic is -once again- a little late. Sorry about that. The shading is just becoming overwhelming. Honestly, I had the whole thing done on time except for that. Ah well, it's up and that's what counts.
Not too much to say about this one here. All the big news is Newscast Live and all that jazz. I'm gearing up to finish the book and as soon as I run one off then I'll post up prices and whatnot. The page itself should be up in the next day or two. Hopefully soon.
I guess that's about it. I haven't been playing any new games and until Star Trek Legacy comes out, I'm running a little dry. Saving up for Halloween and whatnot. So I guess that's all the news that's fit to rake.
"I think Johnny cares now."
-Lovez, Ayame
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
N.U.S. September 6, 2006
Hey all,
I'm gonna be brief but thourough today. New comic is up, sorry it's so late, but for some reason, I'm having trouble drawing of late. The layout changed like 5 times and the additional dialouge was a pain. Either way, Cade is back. Hope you like him.
The book is shaping up...sort of. I've had to settle on some things for it, cause I just don't have time to do all the great stuff I'd like to. Plus, it's already gonna be HELLA long. Look for the pre-order page coming in the next day or two.
Other NCLR stuff is going well. The Kioko desktop standee should be done by tommorow. I plan to have them for all the main characters so far.
In case you missed it, I finally revealed that 'secret project' for NCLR that I'd been doing. It's on my Deviant Art page, but I'm not gonna link it from here because until I figure out how to link to a new window, it's pointless. my page is at http://ayameexgoddess.deviantart.com. ANYWAY, the thing is, I got to redesign the pictures for the convention badges this year! Stop by the NCLR table at AnimeBanzai and I'll sign your badge.
I think that's about it. Keep reading and hey, if you get some free time shoot me an email. I love getting those little guys.
"I don't know who you are, where I know you from, or WHY you think you're an attractive nurse..."
-Lovez, Ayame
I'm gonna be brief but thourough today. New comic is up, sorry it's so late, but for some reason, I'm having trouble drawing of late. The layout changed like 5 times and the additional dialouge was a pain. Either way, Cade is back. Hope you like him.
The book is shaping up...sort of. I've had to settle on some things for it, cause I just don't have time to do all the great stuff I'd like to. Plus, it's already gonna be HELLA long. Look for the pre-order page coming in the next day or two.
Other NCLR stuff is going well. The Kioko desktop standee should be done by tommorow. I plan to have them for all the main characters so far.
In case you missed it, I finally revealed that 'secret project' for NCLR that I'd been doing. It's on my Deviant Art page, but I'm not gonna link it from here because until I figure out how to link to a new window, it's pointless. my page is at http://ayameexgoddess.deviantart.com. ANYWAY, the thing is, I got to redesign the pictures for the convention badges this year! Stop by the NCLR table at AnimeBanzai and I'll sign your badge.
I think that's about it. Keep reading and hey, if you get some free time shoot me an email. I love getting those little guys.
"I don't know who you are, where I know you from, or WHY you think you're an attractive nurse..."
-Lovez, Ayame
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
N.U.S. August 30, 2006
Hey all,
Goddess...I'm so very tired. Not physically, but emotionally. If I can survive this week, then things might change...I hope. Well, I like this comic well enough, the layout isn't stellar, but that first panel I like.
I sort of finished Dead Rising. You can read my full review here.
I'm almost broke. It hurts...
"Hi, I'm a Chocolate Bar. Break off bits of me and enjoy me all day."
-Lovez, Ayame
Goddess...I'm so very tired. Not physically, but emotionally. If I can survive this week, then things might change...I hope. Well, I like this comic well enough, the layout isn't stellar, but that first panel I like.
I sort of finished Dead Rising. You can read my full review here.
I'm almost broke. It hurts...
"Hi, I'm a Chocolate Bar. Break off bits of me and enjoy me all day."
-Lovez, Ayame
Thursday, August 24, 2006
N.U.S. August 24, 2006
Hey all,
First off, let me apologize. Due to several blackouts in a row the other night, I was unable to finish the comic. I suppose it's also my fault, because well...I just can't pull myself away from Dead Rising. It's so frustrating, and yet so addicting. Making a review for it is gonna be quite difficult indeed.
As for this comic, not much to say. I hope everyone gets it...you know, tin-foil in the microwave and all that. I do like the way it turned out though. I was having one hell of a time with that first panel.
Work for Newscast Live: Redux continues. I'll be posting a page for it soon, much like the page for the first Newscast Live. So far, I've got a couple things lined up to sell. The book obviously, some desktop standees, shirts, posters and mini-posters. Enjoy that, cause I'm trying to keep prices more reasonable this time.
Well, you can color me the happiest girl alive. As of last Tuesday, Silent Hill finally came out on DVD. It was the first time I'd ever watched ALL the special features on a DVD, and I have to say that it gave me a new appreciation for the movie. Couple that with Dead Rising, the free copy of Day of the Dead that came with it, AND Silent Hill....well, I'm pretty much in Horror heaven.
Oh yeah, and that second-part to the NCLR announcement will be hitting right after the first of the month.
Lastly, I'm fighting to get my dad to bring home cables for the digital camera. Once I have them, I have many photos to share. Those'll be coming soon.
"Let me get this straight...lets make a Batman movie and NOT call Adam West..."
-Loves, Ayame
First off, let me apologize. Due to several blackouts in a row the other night, I was unable to finish the comic. I suppose it's also my fault, because well...I just can't pull myself away from Dead Rising. It's so frustrating, and yet so addicting. Making a review for it is gonna be quite difficult indeed.
As for this comic, not much to say. I hope everyone gets it...you know, tin-foil in the microwave and all that. I do like the way it turned out though. I was having one hell of a time with that first panel.
Work for Newscast Live: Redux continues. I'll be posting a page for it soon, much like the page for the first Newscast Live. So far, I've got a couple things lined up to sell. The book obviously, some desktop standees, shirts, posters and mini-posters. Enjoy that, cause I'm trying to keep prices more reasonable this time.
Well, you can color me the happiest girl alive. As of last Tuesday, Silent Hill finally came out on DVD. It was the first time I'd ever watched ALL the special features on a DVD, and I have to say that it gave me a new appreciation for the movie. Couple that with Dead Rising, the free copy of Day of the Dead that came with it, AND Silent Hill....well, I'm pretty much in Horror heaven.
Oh yeah, and that second-part to the NCLR announcement will be hitting right after the first of the month.
Lastly, I'm fighting to get my dad to bring home cables for the digital camera. Once I have them, I have many photos to share. Those'll be coming soon.
"Let me get this straight...lets make a Batman movie and NOT call Adam West..."
-Loves, Ayame
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
N.U.S. August 16, 2006
Hey all,
Well, I bet you're wondering why there hasn't been any new Newscast in awhile. Well, the reason is simple. When you get doing something so often, well, you occasionally hit a brick wall and can't work. Well that happened. But I'm past it. Rejoice!
I have some BIG news regarding Newscast Live this year, I mean BESIDES the book. But I can't reveal it yet. As soon as it's all finalized, then I will let you know. But this is pretty cool in my opinion.
Speaking of the book, preorders for the special Newscast Live Redux edition will be up on the site soon. As of right now, the book will contain all the Newscast comics up until the end of Chapter 2. Also contained therein are wonders and merriment only avaliable to people who buy the book. So make sure to order yours for all the extra Newscast fun!
Dead Rising on the XBox 360. It's a great game. Lots of fun...Well, it's got it's share of big problems too, for example, if you're not running an HD TV, then you can't read the text. Also, if you die, you start over. There are no continues or auto saves, so it takes awhile to adjust. Other than that, it's gold. Very enjoyable.
Also, my art area is being rennovated. I doubt this will have any impact on the comic, but it might. Just a forewarning.
"It's Donald Pleasance' Fortress of BALD-itude."
-Lovez, Ayame
Well, I bet you're wondering why there hasn't been any new Newscast in awhile. Well, the reason is simple. When you get doing something so often, well, you occasionally hit a brick wall and can't work. Well that happened. But I'm past it. Rejoice!
I have some BIG news regarding Newscast Live this year, I mean BESIDES the book. But I can't reveal it yet. As soon as it's all finalized, then I will let you know. But this is pretty cool in my opinion.
Speaking of the book, preorders for the special Newscast Live Redux edition will be up on the site soon. As of right now, the book will contain all the Newscast comics up until the end of Chapter 2. Also contained therein are wonders and merriment only avaliable to people who buy the book. So make sure to order yours for all the extra Newscast fun!
Dead Rising on the XBox 360. It's a great game. Lots of fun...Well, it's got it's share of big problems too, for example, if you're not running an HD TV, then you can't read the text. Also, if you die, you start over. There are no continues or auto saves, so it takes awhile to adjust. Other than that, it's gold. Very enjoyable.
Also, my art area is being rennovated. I doubt this will have any impact on the comic, but it might. Just a forewarning.
"It's Donald Pleasance' Fortress of BALD-itude."
-Lovez, Ayame
Saturday, August 05, 2006
N.U.S. August 5, 2006
Hey everyone.
Wow, it's been awhile since I went on a rant, but now that I have gotten Newscast back to a somewhat normal update schedule, I feel more able to doso. In this particular comic, you might be wondering about Nienna's hair in panel 3. Well no, she can't become invisible. It's just that she has BIG hair and that tends to obscure the important arm-releasing that is happening.
This comic was a PAIN. I started on it Tuesday evening, and I finished it Saturday at 2:00 A.M. coloring it was INSANE. I might start looking for an official colorer soon, cause I hate doing it.
The backyard pond/Pirate thing is almost done. Work has slowed to a crawl on it, because me and my fathers' schedules have become thouroughly unworkable. But it's mostly done. Pics coming soon.
A good friend and artist I know, Katie Azbill, is working hard to finish the cover of Newscast Chapter 2: Of Evil Pie and Magic Tricks. For those of you who have not yet seen the cover for Chapter 1: Bounty Hunter Showdown, you can see it without all the logo and text on her DeviantArt page. I really love her stuff, and am honored that she has agreed to let me use her work for the cover of the first Newscast comic book.
Work continues to suck. It COULD be a fun place, except that the powers that be have decided that fun of any sort will have no place in an entertainment store. I've put in some applications elsewhere. Hopefully soon will see some sort of career change.
The ESA has pretty much cancelled E3. For the past few years I have been at odds with the game industry, and this takes my anger and contempt to a new level. So I guess from now on it's Tokyo Game Show and PAX for me....maybe.
Something big is happening in October. What is it? More information will be coming soon.
"Apparently smoking your weight in Pot every month will turn you into a 750 pound, barely coherant Walrus Man..."
-Lovez, Ayame.
Wow, it's been awhile since I went on a rant, but now that I have gotten Newscast back to a somewhat normal update schedule, I feel more able to doso. In this particular comic, you might be wondering about Nienna's hair in panel 3. Well no, she can't become invisible. It's just that she has BIG hair and that tends to obscure the important arm-releasing that is happening.
This comic was a PAIN. I started on it Tuesday evening, and I finished it Saturday at 2:00 A.M. coloring it was INSANE. I might start looking for an official colorer soon, cause I hate doing it.
The backyard pond/Pirate thing is almost done. Work has slowed to a crawl on it, because me and my fathers' schedules have become thouroughly unworkable. But it's mostly done. Pics coming soon.
A good friend and artist I know, Katie Azbill, is working hard to finish the cover of Newscast Chapter 2: Of Evil Pie and Magic Tricks. For those of you who have not yet seen the cover for Chapter 1: Bounty Hunter Showdown, you can see it without all the logo and text on her DeviantArt page. I really love her stuff, and am honored that she has agreed to let me use her work for the cover of the first Newscast comic book.
Work continues to suck. It COULD be a fun place, except that the powers that be have decided that fun of any sort will have no place in an entertainment store. I've put in some applications elsewhere. Hopefully soon will see some sort of career change.
The ESA has pretty much cancelled E3. For the past few years I have been at odds with the game industry, and this takes my anger and contempt to a new level. So I guess from now on it's Tokyo Game Show and PAX for me....maybe.
Something big is happening in October. What is it? More information will be coming soon.
"Apparently smoking your weight in Pot every month will turn you into a 750 pound, barely coherant Walrus Man..."
-Lovez, Ayame.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
N.U.S. July 11, 2006
Greetings people. It is I, your host with the most; Ayame. Not much to say today except sorry that the comic was a little late. Update night is bad for a close-open shift, but what can ya do? Well, the action is heating back up...how will our intrepid crew escape and save the day? Does the day even NEED saving? Check back to find out.
Also this week, new FAN ART is up in the section of the same name courtesy of Kevin Sanchez of Steve and Mac, not to mention a guest comic which will be going up...well, eventually. I'd love to use it right away, but the comic must go on and frankly, you'll never know when a good guest strip will come in handy.
In other webcomic news, Taymation Studios' Legend of Link has finally updated again. Taylor is a good friend of mine and when he updates, he deserves a little shout-out. If you like The Legend of Zelda, go check it out.
I'm in talks with another good friend of mine, Stuart Packrell about setting up my archive. Hopefully you'll soon be able to scan old NC pages via a comfortable book-type format.
New purchases: New Super Mario Bros. I love it. Admittedly it's not my favorite DS game, but it's a good solid platformer with classic style and some good old-fashioned fun, something the DS is known for. Also, Home Improvement Season 4. I know I'm like the only person who liked this show, but for a sitcom...well... Also, Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest. This movie OWNZ! Easily joining the ranks of such sequels as Empire Strikes Back, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and Boggy Creek 2. Also, I finally saw Superman Returns. It was a good movie, but I personally dislike Superman....a lot. It was worth the ticket price, but it's definately going on my Sin City list. (for those of you playing along at home, that's the list of 'movies-that-I'm-glad-I-saw-once-but-will-NEVER-watch-again).
Don't touch it! That's a poisonous MAGIC pie!
-Lovez, Ayame
Also this week, new FAN ART is up in the section of the same name courtesy of Kevin Sanchez of Steve and Mac, not to mention a guest comic which will be going up...well, eventually. I'd love to use it right away, but the comic must go on and frankly, you'll never know when a good guest strip will come in handy.
In other webcomic news, Taymation Studios' Legend of Link has finally updated again. Taylor is a good friend of mine and when he updates, he deserves a little shout-out. If you like The Legend of Zelda, go check it out.
I'm in talks with another good friend of mine, Stuart Packrell about setting up my archive. Hopefully you'll soon be able to scan old NC pages via a comfortable book-type format.
New purchases: New Super Mario Bros. I love it. Admittedly it's not my favorite DS game, but it's a good solid platformer with classic style and some good old-fashioned fun, something the DS is known for. Also, Home Improvement Season 4. I know I'm like the only person who liked this show, but for a sitcom...well... Also, Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest. This movie OWNZ! Easily joining the ranks of such sequels as Empire Strikes Back, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and Boggy Creek 2. Also, I finally saw Superman Returns. It was a good movie, but I personally dislike Superman....a lot. It was worth the ticket price, but it's definately going on my Sin City list. (for those of you playing along at home, that's the list of 'movies-that-I'm-glad-I-saw-once-but-will-NEVER-watch-again).
Don't touch it! That's a poisonous MAGIC pie!
-Lovez, Ayame
Monday, July 03, 2006
N.U.S. June 3, 2006
Hey everyone,
Well I have to be quick, so just a couple of things. First, you may have noticed that NC doesn't update on Saturdays anymore. Well, because of the higher standards of the comic currently, it's just been impossible. I haven't changed the schedule because I really want to maintain two comics a week. Stay tuned to see if I can do it. Secondly, this comic is UNFINISHED. Why would I launch it? Well, I'm finally getting a good number of people to the comic, and I want to do SOMETHING this week since, no saturday usually...and well, since the only thing is the shading and detail lighting, I figured I'd let the story carry this one and fix it later. (Oh, and I'm going out of town unexpectedly, in case anyone is asking WHY I am doing all this in the first place). And lastly, I'm entering NC in a contest so I needed to get done with this one. Wish me luck, and I'll fix this all up later this week. Be well!
Lovez, Ayame
Well I have to be quick, so just a couple of things. First, you may have noticed that NC doesn't update on Saturdays anymore. Well, because of the higher standards of the comic currently, it's just been impossible. I haven't changed the schedule because I really want to maintain two comics a week. Stay tuned to see if I can do it. Secondly, this comic is UNFINISHED. Why would I launch it? Well, I'm finally getting a good number of people to the comic, and I want to do SOMETHING this week since, no saturday usually...and well, since the only thing is the shading and detail lighting, I figured I'd let the story carry this one and fix it later. (Oh, and I'm going out of town unexpectedly, in case anyone is asking WHY I am doing all this in the first place). And lastly, I'm entering NC in a contest so I needed to get done with this one. Wish me luck, and I'll fix this all up later this week. Be well!
Lovez, Ayame
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
N.U.S. June 27, 2006
Well, Newscast is at it again. It seems that fate has stepped in to say; "HEY! You're not updating on Saturdays anymore." and I'm all like; "But I wanna!" and then fate smacks me and the conversation is over. Seriously though, I'm trying. But work isn't making it easy.
Regarding today's comic: It's a simple little 3-paneler. Though it seems that the smaller it is, the longer it takes to shade. Ick. I'd stop, but the shading makes it look better and right now, it'd ber shaded regardless due to the special lighting. Kioko is so cute, and Nienna is now quite embarassed. It's like having your mom tell the other kids that you're 'too hip' for them.
Some of you may have noticed what I said in the SayBox. It's true and I will have something shortly. I just haven't come up with anything good yet. But I will. I'd be a little better about it except that, well, for whatever reason between the end and beginning of each month I start going through these really erratic mood swings. Dunno why, don't really care. Point is, it makes me doubt my artistic abilities and consequently makes it hard to draw apart from the comic. Of course, finding out how many hits most ComicGen people get per day didn't help any.
There, eh...really isn't much. I've been back on CoH in case anyone wants to see Kioko in action, and I finally got seasons 1 and 3 of Home Improvement on DVD. Tim Allen. Funny funny man...most of the time. Also, I've been playing Big Brain Academy on my DS and I've been able to get my score up to...well, I'm not going to share that particular bit of info. As I've already said, I'm not in the best mood and don't want people making fun of my tiny brain behind my back. YOU INSULT ME TO MY FACE!
P.S. Also picked up Batman The Animated Series on DVD. I'd been meaning to for awhile, and thanks to a late-night desire to rent a movie I finally got it. Great show, great show. It's like the month of DVD's here. Weird, I don't usually buy any. Seriously, I'll have to show off my DVD library here sometime. In fact, tommorow. I'll get the digital camera and post it. YAY!
I believe it was...Hidey Ho Good Lookin!
-Lovez, Ayame.
Well, Newscast is at it again. It seems that fate has stepped in to say; "HEY! You're not updating on Saturdays anymore." and I'm all like; "But I wanna!" and then fate smacks me and the conversation is over. Seriously though, I'm trying. But work isn't making it easy.
Regarding today's comic: It's a simple little 3-paneler. Though it seems that the smaller it is, the longer it takes to shade. Ick. I'd stop, but the shading makes it look better and right now, it'd ber shaded regardless due to the special lighting. Kioko is so cute, and Nienna is now quite embarassed. It's like having your mom tell the other kids that you're 'too hip' for them.
Some of you may have noticed what I said in the SayBox. It's true and I will have something shortly. I just haven't come up with anything good yet. But I will. I'd be a little better about it except that, well, for whatever reason between the end and beginning of each month I start going through these really erratic mood swings. Dunno why, don't really care. Point is, it makes me doubt my artistic abilities and consequently makes it hard to draw apart from the comic. Of course, finding out how many hits most ComicGen people get per day didn't help any.
There, eh...really isn't much. I've been back on CoH in case anyone wants to see Kioko in action, and I finally got seasons 1 and 3 of Home Improvement on DVD. Tim Allen. Funny funny man...most of the time. Also, I've been playing Big Brain Academy on my DS and I've been able to get my score up to...well, I'm not going to share that particular bit of info. As I've already said, I'm not in the best mood and don't want people making fun of my tiny brain behind my back. YOU INSULT ME TO MY FACE!
P.S. Also picked up Batman The Animated Series on DVD. I'd been meaning to for awhile, and thanks to a late-night desire to rent a movie I finally got it. Great show, great show. It's like the month of DVD's here. Weird, I don't usually buy any. Seriously, I'll have to show off my DVD library here sometime. In fact, tommorow. I'll get the digital camera and post it. YAY!
I believe it was...Hidey Ho Good Lookin!
-Lovez, Ayame.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
N.U.S. June 20, 2006
Hey all,
Not much time, so I'll be quick. The updates are just taking too long for me lately. I'm working like crazy (thank goodness), Fathers Day came and went (Happy Fathers' Day Dad) and I have a birthday this week (Happy Birthday Minako-chan!). So yeah...fortunately, Newscast seems to be picking up, so I'm happy. As always, I love to hear from you, so send some e-mails and give me some feedback!
Awww...now what will I put on my Cocoa Puffs??
-Lovez, Ayame
Not much time, so I'll be quick. The updates are just taking too long for me lately. I'm working like crazy (thank goodness), Fathers Day came and went (Happy Fathers' Day Dad) and I have a birthday this week (Happy Birthday Minako-chan!). So yeah...fortunately, Newscast seems to be picking up, so I'm happy. As always, I love to hear from you, so send some e-mails and give me some feedback!
Awww...now what will I put on my Cocoa Puffs??
-Lovez, Ayame
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
SPECIAL REPORT: N.U.S. June 14, 2006
Hey all,
Just wanted to post this, since after the comic went up, I spent the next few hours tinkering with the site.
You can now order stuff with the click of a button. Try it out, order a shirt today!
Let me know if you see the NC banner on any other sites.
-Lovez, Ayame.
Just wanted to post this, since after the comic went up, I spent the next few hours tinkering with the site.
You can now order stuff with the click of a button. Try it out, order a shirt today!
Let me know if you see the NC banner on any other sites.
-Lovez, Ayame.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
N.U.S. June 13, 2006
Welcome readers!
Oh no! The other newsteams are all under PIE conrol! What will our intreped heroes (we hope) do? Obviously, Nienna's shoot first, shoot later, shoot some more and then when everybodys dead ask a question or two approach is right out....Ah well, humanity; get used to being controlled by a monacle wearing pie.
In serious news: You may have noticed filler on Saturday. What? You did? Good cause I'm not retyping all that. Suffice it to say, as of Thursday, the loading will be done and I will be back to baseline (I hope). I'm still only a 'temp' you see. I am 'auditioning' for the 'role' of working at this place. I swear my boss used to be an acting major...
Oh, and if you read this, and wonder why I don't update it all the time...well, fact is that if I get a comic up, I feel pretty self-satisfied and don't always want to rant about it. Also, sometimes I don't have a lot to say. Go figure. I'm boring!
FACT! Big project for this week: Downloads section. Fact of the matter is, I don't have any content for one yet. I have no idea what I'd put in it. So that's the project. Content.
FACT! I'm making new banners. If you have a link to my page and want something new, let me know!
FACT! Hooked my iPod up to my Xbox360 for the first time today. I was amazed at how well it worked, but I was pissed because of the lack of a 'Shuffle' setting.
FACT! I bought season 4 of the Batman animated series the other night. You know, the one where his head was a rectangle? Anyway, great show. Next week: Suburban Commando!
Your weapons have no effect on me, but scare the CRAP outta me anyway...
-Lovez, Ayame
Oh no! The other newsteams are all under PIE conrol! What will our intreped heroes (we hope) do? Obviously, Nienna's shoot first, shoot later, shoot some more and then when everybodys dead ask a question or two approach is right out....Ah well, humanity; get used to being controlled by a monacle wearing pie.
In serious news: You may have noticed filler on Saturday. What? You did? Good cause I'm not retyping all that. Suffice it to say, as of Thursday, the loading will be done and I will be back to baseline (I hope). I'm still only a 'temp' you see. I am 'auditioning' for the 'role' of working at this place. I swear my boss used to be an acting major...
Oh, and if you read this, and wonder why I don't update it all the time...well, fact is that if I get a comic up, I feel pretty self-satisfied and don't always want to rant about it. Also, sometimes I don't have a lot to say. Go figure. I'm boring!
FACT! Big project for this week: Downloads section. Fact of the matter is, I don't have any content for one yet. I have no idea what I'd put in it. So that's the project. Content.
FACT! I'm making new banners. If you have a link to my page and want something new, let me know!
FACT! Hooked my iPod up to my Xbox360 for the first time today. I was amazed at how well it worked, but I was pissed because of the lack of a 'Shuffle' setting.
FACT! I bought season 4 of the Batman animated series the other night. You know, the one where his head was a rectangle? Anyway, great show. Next week: Suburban Commando!
Your weapons have no effect on me, but scare the CRAP outta me anyway...
-Lovez, Ayame
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
N.U.S. May 30, 2006
Hey all,
Where to start? Well, first off, sorry about Saturday. Small bit of artists' block. Man, what I wouldn't give to be in a situation where if I didn't update because of something stupid like that I might not loose readers. Ah well.
First news: There's a new t-shirt avaliable in the STORE so if you've been looking for something new in the way of Newscast apparel, sink your teeth into the Bounty Hunter shirt! And yes, I know the store sucks, I would like to redesign it but in case anyone forgot, I suck at web design. If you know of something I could run besides CafePress, please let me know.
Secondly, something I forgot to mention last week. In addition to this site with the Computones, I have recently come into posession of a book: How to Draw Manga: Computones. This is a book of how-to with tones, AND a CD full of digital ones for manga. I mention this, because I am currently using the CD and it's a really good product.
Um...not much else I am afraid. I'll be adding the DOWNLOADS page sometime this week, I hope...unfortunately, I just haven't had much time to make stuff. But I have some things, so up it will go.
Beat Teen Titans on the GC, full review here. Also, another episode of Taymation TV is up. Still not sure what I'm sending to my Guest Comic makers, but I'm thinking on it. Suggestions of what you would like would me nice....you know who you are.
They totally have a room just full of Ensign Ricky's, waiting to be killed in the line of duty.
-Lovez, Ayame
Where to start? Well, first off, sorry about Saturday. Small bit of artists' block. Man, what I wouldn't give to be in a situation where if I didn't update because of something stupid like that I might not loose readers. Ah well.
First news: There's a new t-shirt avaliable in the STORE so if you've been looking for something new in the way of Newscast apparel, sink your teeth into the Bounty Hunter shirt! And yes, I know the store sucks, I would like to redesign it but in case anyone forgot, I suck at web design. If you know of something I could run besides CafePress, please let me know.
Secondly, something I forgot to mention last week. In addition to this site with the Computones, I have recently come into posession of a book: How to Draw Manga: Computones. This is a book of how-to with tones, AND a CD full of digital ones for manga. I mention this, because I am currently using the CD and it's a really good product.
Um...not much else I am afraid. I'll be adding the DOWNLOADS page sometime this week, I hope...unfortunately, I just haven't had much time to make stuff. But I have some things, so up it will go.
Beat Teen Titans on the GC, full review here. Also, another episode of Taymation TV is up. Still not sure what I'm sending to my Guest Comic makers, but I'm thinking on it. Suggestions of what you would like would me nice....you know who you are.
They totally have a room just full of Ensign Ricky's, waiting to be killed in the line of duty.
-Lovez, Ayame
Oh, P.S.
Happy Memorial Day *small trumpet fanfare*
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
N.U.S. May 23, 2006
Hello folks,
Well, I'm finally back. I mean, I was back from E3 last week, but it's always hard to jump back into a schedule after a vacation, especially when you have videos to edit and swag to ship around the country. As for Newscast this week, I actually like it a lot more than I thought I would. It's been a pain in the butt to layout. But I'm glad to do it, because I think it's really helping me improve.
There isn't much really. Except a little tidbit about the possibility of another Newscast Live! event. At the moment, the details are sketchy, and I'm not even going into the possibility of stuff for sale (besides shirts) but I'll keep you updated.
Also, I think I fixed last Thursday's guest comic, check it out. If not, I'll be posting it in the 'Fan Art' section soon. Also, watch over the next few days for the Downloads section to open. In the meantime, head on over to the forums page and grab the 'Author' Nintendo Wii desktop background. You too can harness the power of Wii!
Well, I'm tired so it's off to bed. Enjoy the comic folks!
-This is DECIDEDLY Un-Bold! What's the deal?!
Lovez Ayame
Well, I'm finally back. I mean, I was back from E3 last week, but it's always hard to jump back into a schedule after a vacation, especially when you have videos to edit and swag to ship around the country. As for Newscast this week, I actually like it a lot more than I thought I would. It's been a pain in the butt to layout. But I'm glad to do it, because I think it's really helping me improve.
There isn't much really. Except a little tidbit about the possibility of another Newscast Live! event. At the moment, the details are sketchy, and I'm not even going into the possibility of stuff for sale (besides shirts) but I'll keep you updated.
Also, I think I fixed last Thursday's guest comic, check it out. If not, I'll be posting it in the 'Fan Art' section soon. Also, watch over the next few days for the Downloads section to open. In the meantime, head on over to the forums page and grab the 'Author' Nintendo Wii desktop background. You too can harness the power of Wii!
Well, I'm tired so it's off to bed. Enjoy the comic folks!
-This is DECIDEDLY Un-Bold! What's the deal?!
Lovez Ayame
Sunday, May 07, 2006
N.U.S. May 8, 2006
By the time you read this, I'll probably be on the road to E3. I would like to thank Stuart Packrell, Fighter Chick Cam, and DoomHat for guest comics. I still haven't decided what you're getting, but I promise it'll be something cool. As a reminder, the comic update schedule this week will be TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. Please enjoy the great GuestComics.
-Lovez, Ayame
-Lovez, Ayame
Thursday, May 04, 2006
N.U.S. May 4, 2006
I'll make this one brief because I am too tired to type a lot...First off, sorry about Tuesday. Nienna is capable of some very interesting acrobatic feats which I was not wholly prepared to draw AND layout. Compromises were made, and in the end...I spend an extra week working on a page. I'm sorry, but quality is more important to me that making sure something crappy is up just because it's a Tuesday. However, it will be up Saturday. Yay.
On to more pressing matters, as you no doubt read up above, Newscast is seeking guest comics. Why? Well, first off, I do have a few from Fighter Chick Cam, but the thing is, I like seeing what other people can do (cause I don't get much fan art these days) and I think having someone who predominantly does all your guest comics might shy others off. Rest assured, Fighter Chick Cam's short Nienna story WILL be up next week, but I'm hoping if I get enough comics, I'll have a new one every day of the week. There will be at least three (FCC) so there will be a
And if I get any others, the schedule will change again. PLEASE send me some. I like to know there are fans out there. Also, you'll get something. I don't know what yet, maybe a desktop background, maybe some original artwork. Maybe something else entirely. I dunno, but I'm willing to bribe you for guest comics.
I'll be adding a new section to Newscast sometime shortly after my return from E3, something I realize I should have had for awhile....a DOWNLOADS page. Here you can DL icons, backgrounds, XBOX360 faceplate designs (for this loverly NYKO thing I bought yesterday), and maybe even cursors and avatars. I dunno for sure, we'll see.
If you haven't joined the Gamers Guild on the FORUMS, you might want to. Because when Tay, Stuart and I return from E3, we'll be answering questions from boardy users and also loading some special videos (we hope) from the inside. Most likely, ones from the Nintendo Press Conference and the show floor of E3 itself. Watch for them.
Any questions, feel free to email me.
I figure he'll get bored and die, THEN I WILL RULE!
-Love Ayame
I'll make this one brief because I am too tired to type a lot...First off, sorry about Tuesday. Nienna is capable of some very interesting acrobatic feats which I was not wholly prepared to draw AND layout. Compromises were made, and in the end...I spend an extra week working on a page. I'm sorry, but quality is more important to me that making sure something crappy is up just because it's a Tuesday. However, it will be up Saturday. Yay.
On to more pressing matters, as you no doubt read up above, Newscast is seeking guest comics. Why? Well, first off, I do have a few from Fighter Chick Cam, but the thing is, I like seeing what other people can do (cause I don't get much fan art these days) and I think having someone who predominantly does all your guest comics might shy others off. Rest assured, Fighter Chick Cam's short Nienna story WILL be up next week, but I'm hoping if I get enough comics, I'll have a new one every day of the week. There will be at least three (FCC) so there will be a
And if I get any others, the schedule will change again. PLEASE send me some. I like to know there are fans out there. Also, you'll get something. I don't know what yet, maybe a desktop background, maybe some original artwork. Maybe something else entirely. I dunno, but I'm willing to bribe you for guest comics.
I'll be adding a new section to Newscast sometime shortly after my return from E3, something I realize I should have had for awhile....a DOWNLOADS page. Here you can DL icons, backgrounds, XBOX360 faceplate designs (for this loverly NYKO thing I bought yesterday), and maybe even cursors and avatars. I dunno for sure, we'll see.
If you haven't joined the Gamers Guild on the FORUMS, you might want to. Because when Tay, Stuart and I return from E3, we'll be answering questions from boardy users and also loading some special videos (we hope) from the inside. Most likely, ones from the Nintendo Press Conference and the show floor of E3 itself. Watch for them.
Any questions, feel free to email me.
I figure he'll get bored and die, THEN I WILL RULE!
-Love Ayame
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
N.U.S. SPECIAL REPORT April 26, 2006
This is a special message about something that is important to me; the Silent Hill movie. All questions will be answered at the bottom of this post.
I'm sure by now nearly everyone has heard or read a bad review for Silent Hill which was based on the Konami game for PS1 Silent Hill which was based on the breakfast cereal Demons From Hell Flakes. I would like to take this moment to say that while Silent Hill isn't the greatest movie ever made, fans of the game owe it to themselves to see it.
I've noticed that most people who 'reviewed' this movie have either never played the game, or if they had, they didn't like it. Well, I'm stepping in here because I LOVE the games, and have a slightly differerent point of view to offer the movie-going public.
Silent Hill isn't so much a movie where we watch the game, or where we watch characters we're supposed to already know going through events similar to those we've already experienced. The movie is more like a trip INTO Silent Hill. The artistry involved is spectacular, especially the scenes where the town transforms into Nightmare Mode.
Fans of the series will also note the almost bizarre mishmash of elements from the first three games. Essentially, the story is from the first game, the monsters are from the second, and the music is from the third. It's fun for anyone who's gone through each game to take note of all the small elements that have been put into this film, which tie it well to the game, but seperate it enough to make it interesting.
I will say this: if you haven't played the games, or have and don't like them this isn't a movie for you. Unless you know someone who HAS and can explain certain elements to you. In this way, yes Silent Hill fails as a movie. Here we have the opposite end of the movie-game spectrum, where a movie is made TOO similar to a game, and then pulled back to try and rope in people unfamiliar with the source material.
So I guess my point is that I, a fan of the games, DID enjoy Silent Hill and while I know it can be hard to resist what certain self-assured 'experts' in such fields may attest, I urge you, SH fans to go see it and make the call for yourself. I would HATE for this to turn into another Resident Evil, especially since we finally are reaching the point where a movie captures most of the same elements from a game.
Oh, and the movie is one of the reasons that there was no comic on Saturday. Unfortunately, it kinda blew my mind and I was in no fit state to make a comic.
Okay, so Q and A time.
Why am I posting this here? Because I have an opinion, and while the manga above might not have anything to do with video games, this is still my forum so I'll use it however I like. Also, as you may have noticed, I am a huge fan of video games and especially Silent Hill.
I feel that the movie got an unfair wrap and am using my space to assert MY opinion.
Also, I love talking about Silent Hill. I love discussing it, explaining it and sharing info, theories etc. Feel free to email me about it.
So I'm done now. Check out my GALLERY for some special Silent Hill art which I am going to finish right now.
"Only the dark one opens and closes the door to Silent Hill..."
-Lovez, Ayame.
I'm sure by now nearly everyone has heard or read a bad review for Silent Hill which was based on the Konami game for PS1 Silent Hill which was based on the breakfast cereal Demons From Hell Flakes. I would like to take this moment to say that while Silent Hill isn't the greatest movie ever made, fans of the game owe it to themselves to see it.
I've noticed that most people who 'reviewed' this movie have either never played the game, or if they had, they didn't like it. Well, I'm stepping in here because I LOVE the games, and have a slightly differerent point of view to offer the movie-going public.
Silent Hill isn't so much a movie where we watch the game, or where we watch characters we're supposed to already know going through events similar to those we've already experienced. The movie is more like a trip INTO Silent Hill. The artistry involved is spectacular, especially the scenes where the town transforms into Nightmare Mode.
Fans of the series will also note the almost bizarre mishmash of elements from the first three games. Essentially, the story is from the first game, the monsters are from the second, and the music is from the third. It's fun for anyone who's gone through each game to take note of all the small elements that have been put into this film, which tie it well to the game, but seperate it enough to make it interesting.
I will say this: if you haven't played the games, or have and don't like them this isn't a movie for you. Unless you know someone who HAS and can explain certain elements to you. In this way, yes Silent Hill fails as a movie. Here we have the opposite end of the movie-game spectrum, where a movie is made TOO similar to a game, and then pulled back to try and rope in people unfamiliar with the source material.
So I guess my point is that I, a fan of the games, DID enjoy Silent Hill and while I know it can be hard to resist what certain self-assured 'experts' in such fields may attest, I urge you, SH fans to go see it and make the call for yourself. I would HATE for this to turn into another Resident Evil, especially since we finally are reaching the point where a movie captures most of the same elements from a game.
Oh, and the movie is one of the reasons that there was no comic on Saturday. Unfortunately, it kinda blew my mind and I was in no fit state to make a comic.
Okay, so Q and A time.
Why am I posting this here? Because I have an opinion, and while the manga above might not have anything to do with video games, this is still my forum so I'll use it however I like. Also, as you may have noticed, I am a huge fan of video games and especially Silent Hill.
I feel that the movie got an unfair wrap and am using my space to assert MY opinion.
Also, I love talking about Silent Hill. I love discussing it, explaining it and sharing info, theories etc. Feel free to email me about it.
So I'm done now. Check out my GALLERY for some special Silent Hill art which I am going to finish right now.
"Only the dark one opens and closes the door to Silent Hill..."
-Lovez, Ayame.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
N.U.S. April 18, 2006
Greetings fellow Newscast enthusiasts, or I as I like to call you Newscastians (10 points if you got THAT joke). Today's comic represents a major step forward in Newscast (in my opinion) I shaded the whole thing, and found some kicky digital screentones for Photoshop http://psychobob.xepher.net/screentonez/. The combination of the two, as well as the ever increasing complexity of the backgrounds and streamlining of the characters are all coming together to make Newscast something I am a little more proud of, and I hope you will be too.
The pie has only officially been in politics for a matter of minutes and already he's mudslinging. Richard Nixon would be proud. Oh, and because I have a few readers who apparently don't live in the USA, I would like to note that 'Yellow Days' are the days when our....*sigh* current President thinks we should be on guard against Terrorists. Course, every day is a yellow day, so take from that what you will.
I did a little freewriting this weekend, and came out with part 1 of a story I call SHARPENED EDGE. It's a little universal expansion project for the RPG that Tay suggested. As I'm sure certain users of the boardy were hinting at, I don't have great control over the proper placement of semicolons, commas, formatting, etc. However, I think for something I was just playing around with, it turned out to be a good read. It IS a work-in-progress, so more is on the way, if you like it.
Also I finished Tomb Raider Legend on the 360 and even though I loved the game, I haven't felt so cheated out of an ending since Halo 2. But if Crystal Dynamics and Edios keep the liscence away from CORE, I'll be buying the next one too.
TRUMPY! You can do STUPID things!
-Love Ayame
The pie has only officially been in politics for a matter of minutes and already he's mudslinging. Richard Nixon would be proud. Oh, and because I have a few readers who apparently don't live in the USA, I would like to note that 'Yellow Days' are the days when our....*sigh* current President thinks we should be on guard against Terrorists. Course, every day is a yellow day, so take from that what you will.
I did a little freewriting this weekend, and came out with part 1 of a story I call SHARPENED EDGE. It's a little universal expansion project for the RPG that Tay suggested. As I'm sure certain users of the boardy were hinting at, I don't have great control over the proper placement of semicolons, commas, formatting, etc. However, I think for something I was just playing around with, it turned out to be a good read. It IS a work-in-progress, so more is on the way, if you like it.
Also I finished Tomb Raider Legend on the 360 and even though I loved the game, I haven't felt so cheated out of an ending since Halo 2. But if Crystal Dynamics and Edios keep the liscence away from CORE, I'll be buying the next one too.
TRUMPY! You can do STUPID things!
-Love Ayame
Saturday, April 15, 2006
N.U.S. April 15, 2006
Hello all,
Well, like I said I had a guest comic today, special thanks to Tay from Legend of Link for this one. Also, Lauren posed for a panel....yeah, she wanted to make that known.
I feel much better now that I've had a break and Tuesday's comic should come without any problems.
The largest gathering of NC crew members will be taking place tommorow (today)....Saturday...you know what I mean. Anyway, that'll be happening and who knows what sort of craziness that could mean for upcoming comics and the site and stuff. So watch for new stuff!
Also, I've been playing Tomb Raider Legend on the 360. I bought it on a whim and I really really like it. The graphics are impressive, though I'm seeing things I hoped were behind us with this Next-Gen of gaming, such as flat plants in the environments and disappearing enemies. Perhaps when they start making games that they don't port back to the PS2....Ah well.
Also, Tetris DS has me addicted to the game again. The only problem with that one is the lack of the original Tetris music. You know, the dun dun dun dun do do do do do do dododododo....The music from the Nutcracker....that's what that was supposed to be. But mission mode is fun and it's a great spin on the game.
Great...now Tay and Lauren are making the Tetris music.....kinda.....*sigh* *reaches for a sharp, stabby impliment....*
"I'd like to go to bed, but I have a victim strapped to it right now..."
-Love Ayame
Well, like I said I had a guest comic today, special thanks to Tay from Legend of Link for this one. Also, Lauren posed for a panel....yeah, she wanted to make that known.
I feel much better now that I've had a break and Tuesday's comic should come without any problems.
The largest gathering of NC crew members will be taking place tommorow (today)....Saturday...you know what I mean. Anyway, that'll be happening and who knows what sort of craziness that could mean for upcoming comics and the site and stuff. So watch for new stuff!
Also, I've been playing Tomb Raider Legend on the 360. I bought it on a whim and I really really like it. The graphics are impressive, though I'm seeing things I hoped were behind us with this Next-Gen of gaming, such as flat plants in the environments and disappearing enemies. Perhaps when they start making games that they don't port back to the PS2....Ah well.
Also, Tetris DS has me addicted to the game again. The only problem with that one is the lack of the original Tetris music. You know, the dun dun dun dun do do do do do do dododododo....The music from the Nutcracker....that's what that was supposed to be. But mission mode is fun and it's a great spin on the game.
Great...now Tay and Lauren are making the Tetris music.....kinda.....*sigh* *reaches for a sharp, stabby impliment....*
"I'd like to go to bed, but I have a victim strapped to it right now..."
-Love Ayame
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
N.U.S. April 11, 2006
New Newscast again. More evil pie. I still love him, however I hate this page. Honestly.
So I made a descision, I won't be updating on Saturday as normal. I'm gonna take a day off, and relax. Thing is, I wrote a bunch of the script, and I like it, but I think the rushing and constant pressure is causing the quality of the comic to suffer. So you'll get a guest comic on Saturday.
Happy Birthday Khepri.
Meet the Hobgoblins: Frankie, Sniffles, BounceBounce and The Claw!
-Loves Ayame.
So I made a descision, I won't be updating on Saturday as normal. I'm gonna take a day off, and relax. Thing is, I wrote a bunch of the script, and I like it, but I think the rushing and constant pressure is causing the quality of the comic to suffer. So you'll get a guest comic on Saturday.
Happy Birthday Khepri.
Meet the Hobgoblins: Frankie, Sniffles, BounceBounce and The Claw!
-Loves Ayame.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
N.U.S. April 8, 2006
Well, Newscast has updated again, and this time, VERY early. Cool eh? So we finally see the Evil Pie, MWAGUMPH and learn part of his plan. Is his plan truly evil? Can a pie even properly wear a Monocle? Only TIME will tell. For bonus points, guess who this story arc's special guest star is. I'll give you a hint, he's an actor.
Preperations are in the works for E3 this year, and I hope to convince Fighter Chick Cam to step up to the challenge of handing off some of her beautiful and hilarious Guest Comics, however, I'll take submissions from anyone, send in your FanStrips today!
Also, I would like to apologize to BookMaster, because I spelled Heroes wrong in the title for the webcomic The Hero's Handbook. I have fixed the error, and I hope you'll still take some time to give it a read.
And finally, I'd like to congratulate Khepri for making it into the Newscast Interns Club on the NewscastRPG game. She's the first new poster since Lonewolfe joined a little over a year ago.
Preperations are in the works for E3 this year, and I hope to convince Fighter Chick Cam to step up to the challenge of handing off some of her beautiful and hilarious Guest Comics, however, I'll take submissions from anyone, send in your FanStrips today!
Also, I would like to apologize to BookMaster, because I spelled Heroes wrong in the title for the webcomic The Hero's Handbook. I have fixed the error, and I hope you'll still take some time to give it a read.
And finally, I'd like to congratulate Khepri for making it into the Newscast Interns Club on the NewscastRPG game. She's the first new poster since Lonewolfe joined a little over a year ago.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
N.U.S. April 2, 2006
Hey everyone. Just a quick note today, yesterdays' lack of updation was not a poorly-concieved April Fools' Joke. What happened is that, after finishing the comic once, I realized that the last panel wasn't big enough, and the top 5 were too small. So I cut it in half, but I had to redraw the thing. Sorry about that, but it's better this way, trust me.
In the meantime, Tuesday's should be fine because I pretty much know what it is, I just have to draw it again. It's big.
I didn't mention it the other day, but I should have. Another great webcomic with which I am affiliated (Link Exchange) and is also done by a very cool fan of mine...
The Hero's Handbook
So make sure to check that out too. Oh, and tag the thing over there. You know, to the left of this box? Tag it so I know you're out there, but take off your tin-foil hat first, it interferes with the signal.
It's an 88 Magnum. Got it special. It shoots through SCHOOLS!
In the meantime, Tuesday's should be fine because I pretty much know what it is, I just have to draw it again. It's big.
I didn't mention it the other day, but I should have. Another great webcomic with which I am affiliated (Link Exchange) and is also done by a very cool fan of mine...
The Hero's Handbook
So make sure to check that out too. Oh, and tag the thing over there. You know, to the left of this box? Tag it so I know you're out there, but take off your tin-foil hat first, it interferes with the signal.
It's an 88 Magnum. Got it special. It shoots through SCHOOLS!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
N.U.S. March 30, 2006
At the request of Moero, I've put up a TagBoard. I'm gonna test it out, see what happens. I've gotta be honest, I've never liked the idea of them, but I figure if those who use it prove to me they're mature enough to handle it, then so be it.
Sorry about Tuesday, as you can imagine, that comic up there was a royal pain in the butt to finish. However, all things are on track for Saturday's installment. Tune in, won't we?
Oh, and I read a couple funny webcomics today, thought I'd share them with you, as long as you don't desert me entirely.
This one is just funny.
This one is quite different than most, but it's interesting to read.
Stray Crayons
This one is going to do a link exchange with me, but it's so...intriguing that
I just had to mention it. It's extremely well done, but there aren't many pages yet (like I should talk...)
So yeah, give those a read, enjoy the Tagboard and...yeah, just keep reading Newscast...please?
-You're SuperSprode!
Sorry about Tuesday, as you can imagine, that comic up there was a royal pain in the butt to finish. However, all things are on track for Saturday's installment. Tune in, won't we?
Oh, and I read a couple funny webcomics today, thought I'd share them with you, as long as you don't desert me entirely.
This one is just funny.
This one is quite different than most, but it's interesting to read.
Stray Crayons
This one is going to do a link exchange with me, but it's so...intriguing that
I just had to mention it. It's extremely well done, but there aren't many pages yet (like I should talk...)
So yeah, give those a read, enjoy the Tagboard and...yeah, just keep reading Newscast...please?
-You're SuperSprode!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
N.U.S. March 25, 2006
I finally hit #70, and I'll be honest, for awhile there, I didn't think I would make it. 50 was a milestone, but I don't think I ever thought about it reaching beyond that which is probably why it stopped for so long afterwords. When you consider that most active comics span well into 200 strips, Newscast is still very young and has a long time left to go. I've gotten into a nice groove for working on it, so it's not a chore like it used to be. I only wish I got paid to do it which brings me to:
I've been out looking for a second job. And if I get one, the time I am able to devote to NC is going to be drastically cut back. *sigh* tis the life of a poor poor temporarily-between-colleges student. I'll be uploading a 'store' page soon (I hope) please support Newscast buy buying a shirt or a poster. It helps in more ways than just a donation, you'll also be spreading the word everytime you wear it/show it off. And the more people come to the site, the more time I can justify putting aside for it.
/pathetic rant
Imagine a world where emails are sent before they're written, and read before they arrive by people you don't even know.
I've been out looking for a second job. And if I get one, the time I am able to devote to NC is going to be drastically cut back. *sigh* tis the life of a poor poor temporarily-between-colleges student. I'll be uploading a 'store' page soon (I hope) please support Newscast buy buying a shirt or a poster. It helps in more ways than just a donation, you'll also be spreading the word everytime you wear it/show it off. And the more people come to the site, the more time I can justify putting aside for it.
/pathetic rant
Imagine a world where emails are sent before they're written, and read before they arrive by people you don't even know.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
N.U.S. March 21, 2006
Yo! Sorry about the lack of updation on Saturday, I was a little under the weather this weekend, and it prevented me from being at the computer, a TV, or anything with a screen, really. However, the plot moves onward. Without Cade? Apparently. Don't worry, he'll be back. Or will he? Yes. Stay Tuned.
I finally put Kingdom Hearts back in my PS2 and realized that I'd thusfar only logged about 15 hours into it. But after I reaquainted myself with the controls, I fell quickly back into it, and even discovered some stuff I think I missed entirely on my first foray into it. Also, I finally pulled myself out of the dark ages and got my friggin XBox 360 online. So if you wanna play against me (I really only have Dead or Alive 4) my gamertag is, of course, AyameExGoddess.
Also, Ryo-Ohki finally is reborn! Her new form is quite a bit different than her old one. But it's a joyous occasion nonetheless. Perhaps some pictures will be here soon.
I finally put Kingdom Hearts back in my PS2 and realized that I'd thusfar only logged about 15 hours into it. But after I reaquainted myself with the controls, I fell quickly back into it, and even discovered some stuff I think I missed entirely on my first foray into it. Also, I finally pulled myself out of the dark ages and got my friggin XBox 360 online. So if you wanna play against me (I really only have Dead or Alive 4) my gamertag is, of course, AyameExGoddess.
Also, Ryo-Ohki finally is reborn! Her new form is quite a bit different than her old one. But it's a joyous occasion nonetheless. Perhaps some pictures will be here soon.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
N.U.S. March 14, 2006
Well, Fighter Chick Cam is at it again. Because I had lots and lots going on this weekend, I wasn't able to get any farther along on the comic than the script. However, now that my computer is back to 97% functionality, and all guests from out-of-town are gone, as well as like a thousand other things are done, NC will resume updation on Saturday. Anyway, I would like to reiterate that I really do like Fighter Chick Cam's guest comics, and in fact, I do think this one is hilarious.
There really isn't any, except that I cannot find any track-ball mice ANYWHERE anymore. I will not be buying an optical mouse either unless I have no other choice.
Check out the new parts of the site when I get them up. Yay!
There really isn't any, except that I cannot find any track-ball mice ANYWHERE anymore. I will not be buying an optical mouse either unless I have no other choice.
Check out the new parts of the site when I get them up. Yay!
Saturday, March 11, 2006
N.U.S. March 11, 2006
Just a quick post today. The new mouse and my Keyboard's current malfunction, make it extremely difficult to work on my comic. However, it's up and stuff. Read it, love it.
In Other News:
Not too much else to report. I finally found a car, which is nice. Hopefully a new job will come soon. What else what else....Oh yeah, did you see that release for the new DSLite in Japan? Pretty amazing stuff. This proves that ideas are more powerful than graphics! Not that graphics aren't important too, but...yeah.
Oh...I think I need to call my parents.
-Lovez Ayame
In Other News:
Not too much else to report. I finally found a car, which is nice. Hopefully a new job will come soon. What else what else....Oh yeah, did you see that release for the new DSLite in Japan? Pretty amazing stuff. This proves that ideas are more powerful than graphics! Not that graphics aren't important too, but...yeah.
Oh...I think I need to call my parents.
-Lovez Ayame
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
N.U.S. March 9, 2006
EGAD! A crisis today that almost effected Newscast Saturday! So I was surfin the net this morning and all of a sudden, my computer goes ballistic! Everything locks up....I can't click on anything, close anything, or move anything. When I move the cursor, it's like I'm holding down the button.
I think -quite reasonably, I might add-;
So, my hatred for humanity rekindled, as well as all number of hypothesis going through my head as to where I might have gotten one (That email I got this morning? Kazaa left running? Star Trek fan encrypting them into the episodes I downloaded?) So I managed to activate my Virus Scan and left for work. Confident that when I returned, my Mcaffe would save me.
Oh how mistaken I was.
Long story short, after hours of panic, paranoia, and an excuse to watch Howls' Moving Castle, turns out my FUGGIN MOUSE WAS BROKEN! So I'll be picking up a new one tommorow and now Newscast can hopefully update Saturday.
Why am I posting this here? Just in case something else happens. The mouse I am currently using is only 1/10th as operative as my formerly-not broken one, so everything I do on this comp takes forever. Be forewarned.
I got most of the page updated. All the ComicGenesis logos are up and all the Keenspace stuff is gone. I'll be relocating stuff here shortly and adding some new buttons and pages. Keep on the lookout for them. Also, check out the new FAN ART on the page of the same name.
Like I said, I watched Howls' Moving Castle tonight and what a great movie it is. When it was in theaters, me and my friend Mina went to see it three nights in a row before they took it out. And I've been dying waiting for it to come out on DVD. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you doso. I liked Wallace and Grommit: The Curse of the Wererabbit, but Howls' Moving Castle is on another level of consiousness entirely. It should've won that Oscar....
Miyazaki, you are a GOD!
I think -quite reasonably, I might add-;
So, my hatred for humanity rekindled, as well as all number of hypothesis going through my head as to where I might have gotten one (That email I got this morning? Kazaa left running? Star Trek fan encrypting them into the episodes I downloaded?) So I managed to activate my Virus Scan and left for work. Confident that when I returned, my Mcaffe would save me.
Oh how mistaken I was.
Long story short, after hours of panic, paranoia, and an excuse to watch Howls' Moving Castle, turns out my FUGGIN MOUSE WAS BROKEN! So I'll be picking up a new one tommorow and now Newscast can hopefully update Saturday.
Why am I posting this here? Just in case something else happens. The mouse I am currently using is only 1/10th as operative as my formerly-not broken one, so everything I do on this comp takes forever. Be forewarned.
I got most of the page updated. All the ComicGenesis logos are up and all the Keenspace stuff is gone. I'll be relocating stuff here shortly and adding some new buttons and pages. Keep on the lookout for them. Also, check out the new FAN ART on the page of the same name.
Like I said, I watched Howls' Moving Castle tonight and what a great movie it is. When it was in theaters, me and my friend Mina went to see it three nights in a row before they took it out. And I've been dying waiting for it to come out on DVD. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you doso. I liked Wallace and Grommit: The Curse of the Wererabbit, but Howls' Moving Castle is on another level of consiousness entirely. It should've won that Oscar....
Miyazaki, you are a GOD!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
N.U.S. March 8, 2006
Yes...a day late. However, a comic I like it is....I don't know where I was going with that. I was distracted...the glory of Futurama on TV...anywho this was a fun comic to draw. Oh yes, and sorry to anyone who missed the last comic because I forgot to upload it on Taymation I won't do it again...without warning that is.
Also, I am gonna spend a little bit of tonight working on the website. So hopefully some of the stuff that hasn't worked for a long time will work...and if not tonight, then tommorow. But probably tonight.
Howls' Moving Castle is on DVD today. I hope you did your job and bought a copy. If you didn't, you should. Truly, it is one of the best animated movies of this, or any year. Heck, it's one of the best movies period.
The big brain am the greatest! Now I am leaving Earth for no raeson...
-Lovez, Ayame
Also, I am gonna spend a little bit of tonight working on the website. So hopefully some of the stuff that hasn't worked for a long time will work...and if not tonight, then tommorow. But probably tonight.
Howls' Moving Castle is on DVD today. I hope you did your job and bought a copy. If you didn't, you should. Truly, it is one of the best animated movies of this, or any year. Heck, it's one of the best movies period.
The big brain am the greatest! Now I am leaving Earth for no raeson...
-Lovez, Ayame
Saturday, March 04, 2006
N.U.S. March 4, 2006
Greetings all.
Not too much to report here, but the new comic is up. I like it, especially the lighting effect in the cage. That was pioneered once already in this comic, but I liked it so I did it again.
The story marches onward, and Tuesdays' even has a touch of the funny.
In a slightly related story, I might stop updating on Taymation for awhile. I want to see if it boosts the readership here. And if so, by how much. Honestly, I like Taymation's format well enough, but it screws up all my comics and frankly, they're bad enough. They don't need assistance.
Not too much to report here. Still playing Super Princess Peach which rules. I also found out that the DS has a rumble pack, which I...er...acquired the other day. It's not a great thing, but it's a cool little widget. Plus, since my DS is the ultimate one, it was a nessescity for me to own.
I've also been playing EQII a lot lately. Well, not a lot....but i played once. I keep trying to get back to CoH, but damned if I have the time lately. *sigh* I miss my friends in Paragon City.
Anyway, gotta go vaccum. It's Four Swords Night!
"Oh, and after a thourough search of the FIRST room..."
-Lovez, Ayame.
Not too much to report here, but the new comic is up. I like it, especially the lighting effect in the cage. That was pioneered once already in this comic, but I liked it so I did it again.
The story marches onward, and Tuesdays' even has a touch of the funny.
In a slightly related story, I might stop updating on Taymation for awhile. I want to see if it boosts the readership here. And if so, by how much. Honestly, I like Taymation's format well enough, but it screws up all my comics and frankly, they're bad enough. They don't need assistance.
Not too much to report here. Still playing Super Princess Peach which rules. I also found out that the DS has a rumble pack, which I...er...acquired the other day. It's not a great thing, but it's a cool little widget. Plus, since my DS is the ultimate one, it was a nessescity for me to own.
I've also been playing EQII a lot lately. Well, not a lot....but i played once. I keep trying to get back to CoH, but damned if I have the time lately. *sigh* I miss my friends in Paragon City.
Anyway, gotta go vaccum. It's Four Swords Night!
"Oh, and after a thourough search of the FIRST room..."
-Lovez, Ayame.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
N.U.S. February 28, 2006
A little late, but not as late as it could be. Newscast #65 brings to the table a character whos' design I have always liked, but never really perfected. However, thanks to my tenure at Discover Financial, I finally settled on a design I liked. So, now we've met Cade. Who is he? What is he doing here? Is he friend or foe? All these questions will be answered, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, two new shirts are about to be offered on the Newscast website. Supplies are limited, because they were for a convention and they've just been sitting in a box for awhile. These are two of my favorite shirt designs, especially the Kioko one. So look for that coming in the next day or two. Also, some posters may be avaliable. These are all gonna be slightly discounted as well, because they sport the old KeenSpace URL, I mean, it's still good because newscast.keenspace.com will still take you to my comic, but discounts are always great!
So I watched Return of the Jedi last night, (the classic version) and it rekindled my love for Star Wars. I never EVER realized how much Episodes 1, 2, and 3 really killed it for me. I mean, 3 was ALRIGHT, but after seeing Vader as his true, badass self again...there's just no comparison. All the CGI in the world can't replace a damn good movie. And to think I almost watched Final Justice instead...
Also, Super Princess Peach is in my DS today. I'll have a full review up in the Gamers Guild section of the Taymation Forums. The guild is by invitation only, so you'll need to submit a request to join here.
And that's all the muck that's fit to rake.
-Love, Ayame
In the meantime, two new shirts are about to be offered on the Newscast website. Supplies are limited, because they were for a convention and they've just been sitting in a box for awhile. These are two of my favorite shirt designs, especially the Kioko one. So look for that coming in the next day or two. Also, some posters may be avaliable. These are all gonna be slightly discounted as well, because they sport the old KeenSpace URL, I mean, it's still good because newscast.keenspace.com will still take you to my comic, but discounts are always great!
So I watched Return of the Jedi last night, (the classic version) and it rekindled my love for Star Wars. I never EVER realized how much Episodes 1, 2, and 3 really killed it for me. I mean, 3 was ALRIGHT, but after seeing Vader as his true, badass self again...there's just no comparison. All the CGI in the world can't replace a damn good movie. And to think I almost watched Final Justice instead...
Also, Super Princess Peach is in my DS today. I'll have a full review up in the Gamers Guild section of the Taymation Forums. The guild is by invitation only, so you'll need to submit a request to join here.
And that's all the muck that's fit to rake.
-Love, Ayame
Sunday, February 26, 2006
N.U.S. February 26, 2006
Well I know it's been awhile since I updated the blog, but I felt compelled to with the release and beginning of Chapter 2 of Newscast:
Of Evil Pie and Magic Tricks.
Why the title you ask? Why not, I reply. Then I smack you upside the head for sassin me back. Yeah. Well, anyway keep checking because Newscast is going to keep coming at ya, twice a week (if we're lucky) and soon even more fun and offbeat adventures will begin. Special thanks goes out for this comic to Tay from Legend of Link and Stuart Packrell of The Mind of James Freemon for helping me with some of the...hidden...things in this comic.
Taylor's an ass. lol, IMHO omfg! :) he iz t3h oob3r l337 r0><><0rrz j0!!11 ...Yeah, I'm done now. Seriously though, Super Princess Peach comes out for the DS next week. Buy it or else I shall send a horde of Menacing Moeros down upon you. I have that power. Yes. Yes I do.
Of Evil Pie and Magic Tricks.
Why the title you ask? Why not, I reply. Then I smack you upside the head for sassin me back. Yeah. Well, anyway keep checking because Newscast is going to keep coming at ya, twice a week (if we're lucky) and soon even more fun and offbeat adventures will begin. Special thanks goes out for this comic to Tay from Legend of Link and Stuart Packrell of The Mind of James Freemon for helping me with some of the...hidden...things in this comic.
Taylor's an ass. lol, IMHO omfg! :) he iz t3h oob3r l337 r0><><0rrz j0!!11 ...Yeah, I'm done now. Seriously though, Super Princess Peach comes out for the DS next week. Buy it or else I shall send a horde of Menacing Moeros down upon you. I have that power. Yes. Yes I do.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
N.U.S. February 12, 2006
Ah, finally the comic is up. Good news here, I have Monday off work so I'll have plenty of time to work on Tuesday's comic so yeah...lots of time on my hands and whatnot. I really like the way the comic ended up. Unfortunately, I ran into some problems when putting in the text. I was forced to waste space in some areas and cover up one of my favorite panels of all time with lots of dialouge. Ah well, it still looks cool and I guess those are the hazards of making a comic. Either way, I like it and stuff. More story progression and stuff. That's about all I have for now.
In other news:
Resident evil DS...KICKS SERIOUS ASS! I mean, it's not as good as the GameCube version, but man for a handheld...it makes me so happy to own it. Lots of fun, that. Also, I've been jamming on City of Heroes again which has been a lot of fun. Also, a friend of mine bought me Everquest 2 so I'll be trying that out soon enough. I am very tired now...nighty night.
-Now taste the Red-Hot steel of Dr. Clayton Firebrand Forrester!
Loves Ayame
In other news:
Resident evil DS...KICKS SERIOUS ASS! I mean, it's not as good as the GameCube version, but man for a handheld...it makes me so happy to own it. Lots of fun, that. Also, I've been jamming on City of Heroes again which has been a lot of fun. Also, a friend of mine bought me Everquest 2 so I'll be trying that out soon enough. I am very tired now...nighty night.
-Now taste the Red-Hot steel of Dr. Clayton Firebrand Forrester!
Loves Ayame
Saturday, February 11, 2006
N.U.S. February 11, 2006
Yello everyone.
Newscast has been delayed until a little later in the day, perhaps until Sunday. The reason for this is that I'm still working morning shifts at my real job which cuts drastically into Newscast-working time. Also, be advised that since my company no longer gives a rat's ass about me, I don't know what my schedule will be there from now until...well, I don't know. Newscast will try to retain it's normal update times and days, but I can't promise anything until the matter is resolved.
I just wanted you to know, if I don't call you it's because I'm DEAD...
-Love Ayame
Newscast has been delayed until a little later in the day, perhaps until Sunday. The reason for this is that I'm still working morning shifts at my real job which cuts drastically into Newscast-working time. Also, be advised that since my company no longer gives a rat's ass about me, I don't know what my schedule will be there from now until...well, I don't know. Newscast will try to retain it's normal update times and days, but I can't promise anything until the matter is resolved.
I just wanted you to know, if I don't call you it's because I'm DEAD...
-Love Ayame
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
N.U.S. February 7, 2006
Ah, yeah. Anyway, Newscast is at it again. And by 'it' I mean updating. And by 'at' I mean becoming of and by 'is'...well, that depends on what the definition of 'is' is. Ah...so anyway, I feel pretty rejuivinated after taking Saturday off, so This weekends' comic shouldn't be a big problem. Look for it on time, and keep spreading the word about Newscast, everyone's favorite fictional TV news report.
Regarding the comic, I did get some positive feedback today. Completely out of the blue too. Which means I can take it as the first genuine (by which I mean there's no way I can twist it into a lie) comment I've recieved in person. I do occasionally get e-mails from fans, which makes me very happy too. If you're thinking of sending one, do it. I like them. They make me :D.
I'm sure some of you are wondering why I occasionally talk about video games here. Well, first off, since I've never been asked to appear at anything, I can't talk about that. Since I've only ever done one booth anywhere, I also can't talk about anything like that. Second, since I don't ask for money, there is no need to talk about that. Fifth, er...third... Since I work in Video Games, it's just something I know about and like to discuss.
Hey! What do you think about this Mad Cow Disease? It was here for awhile and then it went away, your thoughts?
Well, it's getting late and stuff. I've rambled on here long enough.
Oh, one other thing...Kioko and Nienna living together. Man, that's gonna be rough for her. Seeing as I relate a little more to Kioko, it's hard to feel sorry about it though. Ah, what demons hath we wrought?
Until you learn to master your rage-
-My rage will become my master? That's what you were gonna say isn't it?
Not nessescarily...
-Lovez, Ayame
Ah, yeah. Anyway, Newscast is at it again. And by 'it' I mean updating. And by 'at' I mean becoming of and by 'is'...well, that depends on what the definition of 'is' is. Ah...so anyway, I feel pretty rejuivinated after taking Saturday off, so This weekends' comic shouldn't be a big problem. Look for it on time, and keep spreading the word about Newscast, everyone's favorite fictional TV news report.
Regarding the comic, I did get some positive feedback today. Completely out of the blue too. Which means I can take it as the first genuine (by which I mean there's no way I can twist it into a lie) comment I've recieved in person. I do occasionally get e-mails from fans, which makes me very happy too. If you're thinking of sending one, do it. I like them. They make me :D.
I'm sure some of you are wondering why I occasionally talk about video games here. Well, first off, since I've never been asked to appear at anything, I can't talk about that. Since I've only ever done one booth anywhere, I also can't talk about anything like that. Second, since I don't ask for money, there is no need to talk about that. Fifth, er...third... Since I work in Video Games, it's just something I know about and like to discuss.
Hey! What do you think about this Mad Cow Disease? It was here for awhile and then it went away, your thoughts?
Well, it's getting late and stuff. I've rambled on here long enough.
Oh, one other thing...Kioko and Nienna living together. Man, that's gonna be rough for her. Seeing as I relate a little more to Kioko, it's hard to feel sorry about it though. Ah, what demons hath we wrought?
Until you learn to master your rage-
-My rage will become my master? That's what you were gonna say isn't it?
Not nessescarily...
-Lovez, Ayame
Saturday, February 04, 2006
N.U.S. February 4, 2006
Hey everyone. Well, I'm sure you noticed that it's Saturday and Newscast is strangely absent once more. This week and next week, my new manager scheduled me for all morning shifts, which cuts drastically into my work time. If all goes according to plan, I'll have the comic up by Sunday morning. If not...I'm gonna postpone it until Tuesday and let myself have a breather for the weekend. Of course, this shouldn't effect NEXT Saturdays comic, and I am discussing the morning situation with my manager so perhaps this will be the last delay. Either way, the comic is gonna be a fairly good one. More story and whatnot. However, I have a special guest for you: Newscast's very own Kioko with a preview!
Hello everyone! Kioko here. With Nei Nei's ship destroyed and no way home, she's decided to stay with us. How fun! Of course, she can't just sit around all day doing nothing. Wait! I have a great idea! Coming up next time in Newscast: Episode #60 COMING TO TERMS! See you all there!
In other news:
Electroplankton on the DS is very fun!
Hello everyone! Kioko here. With Nei Nei's ship destroyed and no way home, she's decided to stay with us. How fun! Of course, she can't just sit around all day doing nothing. Wait! I have a great idea! Coming up next time in Newscast: Episode #60 COMING TO TERMS! See you all there!
In other news:
Electroplankton on the DS is very fun!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
N.U.S. January 28, 2006
Whelp, the comic is up on time. Whoopy! I am kinda tired right now...so I'm not gonna post too much. This comic is a testimate to how much I'm enjoying updating lately. Thing is, this one didn't really come together until just a few hours before it had to go up, but hey, I pushed through it and made it work. It's not my favorite one of all time, but it's definately not the worst one either.
Well, lets just keep it rolling. There's not a lot else to note, except I am finally on Nintendo Wi-Fi with my DS -totally badass, I might add- and I like racing against people even though I am not that good yet. So if you want to race someone who has little to no chance of beating you...head on over to the FORUMS and grabby me friend code.
Lets watch, won't we?
Well, lets just keep it rolling. There's not a lot else to note, except I am finally on Nintendo Wi-Fi with my DS -totally badass, I might add- and I like racing against people even though I am not that good yet. So if you want to race someone who has little to no chance of beating you...head on over to the FORUMS and grabby me friend code.
Lets watch, won't we?
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
N.U.S. January 24, 2006
Well, here's another comic. I wish I could figure out how to make them update on time instead of a day late, but I guess I'll survive.
Not really in the mood to write much. I poured a lot of it into my other _personal_ blog.
But the comic turned out well, and I am happy about it because for MONTHS I have been waiting for this particular comic. Why? Because it means that the fight sequence is over and I can get onto more important things. Those things you'll be seeing on Saturday....well, some of them, not all of them.
Lets see...what else. Oh yeah! One of my favorite web comics The Legend of Link has finally updated again. The author, a friend of mine, had a stroke and has been unable to draw for months. He's finally gotten good enough to update again which makes me very happy. Please check it out (if you like Zelda then you should enjoy it).
In other news, I have once again found myself being a nice girl and having nothing to show for it. So I have re-entered ultra bitter mode, viciously attacking all who come to close. It's kinda fun because it ensures my solitude for a few days, enough time to recover. So yeah.
Oh yeah, one other thing. I have been playing City of Heroes again. If you ever find yourself on the "Protector" server, watch out for a familiar pink-haired gamoid. Feel free to give me a shout should you run into me.
Metal is where metal shouldn't be.
Not really in the mood to write much. I poured a lot of it into my other _personal_ blog.
But the comic turned out well, and I am happy about it because for MONTHS I have been waiting for this particular comic. Why? Because it means that the fight sequence is over and I can get onto more important things. Those things you'll be seeing on Saturday....well, some of them, not all of them.
Lets see...what else. Oh yeah! One of my favorite web comics The Legend of Link has finally updated again. The author, a friend of mine, had a stroke and has been unable to draw for months. He's finally gotten good enough to update again which makes me very happy. Please check it out (if you like Zelda then you should enjoy it).
In other news, I have once again found myself being a nice girl and having nothing to show for it. So I have re-entered ultra bitter mode, viciously attacking all who come to close. It's kinda fun because it ensures my solitude for a few days, enough time to recover. So yeah.
Oh yeah, one other thing. I have been playing City of Heroes again. If you ever find yourself on the "Protector" server, watch out for a familiar pink-haired gamoid. Feel free to give me a shout should you run into me.
Metal is where metal shouldn't be.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
N.U.S. January 21, 2006
Holy. Friggin. Crap.
This update nearly killed me. I was so stuck on it...re-writes re-writes re-writes. All the way up until 9:00 p.m. last night, I was retooling the thing. In all honesty, I am not really happy with it. However, it does fill in a small pothole that would have otherwise made some people scratch thier heads and say; huh? Also, it was a new sampling of layout which I kinda like, kinda don't. We'll see where it goes in the future. But I'll tell you, limiting myself as I do with making this can often present more of a challenge than I intend. I sometimes wonder if the comic would be better if I didn't. Of course, that's foolishness (and even if it would be, it's a HELLA lot more work. So far, only one comic has ever spanned more than one page, the OCAD one).
I opened up a personal blog. I can't imagine why anyone would want to visit it, but just in case, I'll provide you the URL.
In other news:
Not much to report here. Still awaiting my 360, which is now beginning to taunt me with it's 'not-hereness'. It's one thing to want to buy one, I can justify not having it by not being able to afford it. But when someone tells you you're getting a free PREMIUM one...well, I know why I don't have it, but it's still makin me antsy. Either way, the people at Gamer Graffix have impressed me so far with thier products (and their fine taste in art) so I look forward to the outcome of this.
It's late, so I'm done. See you on Tuesday Newscastians. Oh, and stay tuned for Adam West and Satan with a recipe for Walnut Katsup.
Ayame Ex Goddess
This update nearly killed me. I was so stuck on it...re-writes re-writes re-writes. All the way up until 9:00 p.m. last night, I was retooling the thing. In all honesty, I am not really happy with it. However, it does fill in a small pothole that would have otherwise made some people scratch thier heads and say; huh? Also, it was a new sampling of layout which I kinda like, kinda don't. We'll see where it goes in the future. But I'll tell you, limiting myself as I do with making this can often present more of a challenge than I intend. I sometimes wonder if the comic would be better if I didn't. Of course, that's foolishness (and even if it would be, it's a HELLA lot more work. So far, only one comic has ever spanned more than one page, the OCAD one).
I opened up a personal blog. I can't imagine why anyone would want to visit it, but just in case, I'll provide you the URL.
In other news:
Not much to report here. Still awaiting my 360, which is now beginning to taunt me with it's 'not-hereness'. It's one thing to want to buy one, I can justify not having it by not being able to afford it. But when someone tells you you're getting a free PREMIUM one...well, I know why I don't have it, but it's still makin me antsy. Either way, the people at Gamer Graffix have impressed me so far with thier products (and their fine taste in art) so I look forward to the outcome of this.
It's late, so I'm done. See you on Tuesday Newscastians. Oh, and stay tuned for Adam West and Satan with a recipe for Walnut Katsup.
Ayame Ex Goddess
Monday, January 16, 2006
N.U.S. January 17, 2006
Well, it's been a long haul but I'm finally back. Today's strip is a fan-comic for three reasons. The first is that since #55 was a day late, it ruined my whole weekend work schedule so I didn't have time to do #56. My new schedule at Rhino hasn't helped either, as my new boss has decided that I like to work at random times instead of on a somewhat consistant basis. The second reason is that Alyssa, the fan/friend who submitted this to me, did so some time ago. I had been saving it for when I was sick but thanks to my extended hiatus...well, I thought it was a good time to use it. The last reason is that seeing as it was just her birthday (also, a happy birthday wish to Fighter Chick Cam, maker of Ninja Stickman comics) it seemed as appropriate a time as any to bring it out.
In other Newscast related news, My Gallery Page is finally up (okay, i copped out and just opened a Deviant Art page) but still, it's all cool Newscast art. Seeing as that is the case, I suggest you click on over and see what you can see. In case my Dreamweaver screwed up again, here's the URL: http://ayameexgoddess.deviantart.com
Also, thanks to Moero and Terd Burgler last night, I came up with some great new content for the site. Hopefully, it shall extend the Newscast Universe somewhat, and give you guys a little more insight into the comic at the same time.
Two more things:
#1. There is some exciting news for Kioko fans in the retail world. However, I can't tell you too many details yet. I'll keep you up-to-date though. Hint: It's good news for video game players.
#2. Also on the game front, I'm looking for someone who knows how to make games in FLASH help me with a little project I am working on. If you're interested and want to show me what you can do, shoot me an email: serina_usagi@hotmail.com
In personal news:
I've been trying to find some time to finish Fatal Frame, yeah, I know I'm behind the times. But Frame 2 was just so bad, I didn't think the first could be good. Also, Phoenix Wright is still friggin fun on my brand-new candy pink Nintendo DS system. BTW, I want to race people in Mario Kart DS. If you want my friend code, shoot on over to the FORUMS and pick it up.
Also, I won an Xbox 360. I've been jammin on Dead or Alive 4 at work and just love it, so I'm excited to get one of my own. It's still kinda early on to BUY one in my opinion, but free systems I'll take anytime, no matter how reprehensible I find it. Not that I find the 360 reprehensible, but if someone say, gave me a PSP....Well, anyway, until Saturday y'all.
-See you on Sestis!
Ayame Ex Goddess
In other Newscast related news, My Gallery Page is finally up (okay, i copped out and just opened a Deviant Art page) but still, it's all cool Newscast art. Seeing as that is the case, I suggest you click on over and see what you can see. In case my Dreamweaver screwed up again, here's the URL: http://ayameexgoddess.deviantart.com
Also, thanks to Moero and Terd Burgler last night, I came up with some great new content for the site. Hopefully, it shall extend the Newscast Universe somewhat, and give you guys a little more insight into the comic at the same time.
Two more things:
#1. There is some exciting news for Kioko fans in the retail world. However, I can't tell you too many details yet. I'll keep you up-to-date though. Hint: It's good news for video game players.
#2. Also on the game front, I'm looking for someone who knows how to make games in FLASH help me with a little project I am working on. If you're interested and want to show me what you can do, shoot me an email: serina_usagi@hotmail.com
In personal news:
I've been trying to find some time to finish Fatal Frame, yeah, I know I'm behind the times. But Frame 2 was just so bad, I didn't think the first could be good. Also, Phoenix Wright is still friggin fun on my brand-new candy pink Nintendo DS system. BTW, I want to race people in Mario Kart DS. If you want my friend code, shoot on over to the FORUMS and pick it up.
Also, I won an Xbox 360. I've been jammin on Dead or Alive 4 at work and just love it, so I'm excited to get one of my own. It's still kinda early on to BUY one in my opinion, but free systems I'll take anytime, no matter how reprehensible I find it. Not that I find the 360 reprehensible, but if someone say, gave me a PSP....Well, anyway, until Saturday y'all.
-See you on Sestis!
Ayame Ex Goddess
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